"Time flies when you're having fun"...and when you're busy...and as you age...and... The older I get, the more I find myself paying greater attention to how I spend my time. Is this a universal 'thing' about getting older? I had the opportunity to essentially start from scratch when we moved from Texas to Maryland in January, and I wanted to carefully consider what activities I chose to pursue. I tend to use the "plate" analogy when thinking and talking about what activities I am involved in, and I feel like I have improved over the years in realizing I need to either finish a serving or put it back before adding a different item to my plate.
I have this realization that there are so many things I want to do and experience, and there's only about 16 hours a day to do them all in. This statement sounds very American--busy, busy, busy--and I get that, but I also can't help thinking I want to make the most out of the time I have here.
So, in the midst of the activities I choose to do that are meaningful to me (that inevitably end up as multiple pursuits where I stay busy, because I just can't help myself), I try to be mindful of intentional time for the things that are slow.

This is week 3 of a new position with the Calvert County Arts Council --- Executive Director. What an interesting series of events and decisions that led here. I initially stopped in at the CalvArt Gallery that the Arts Council runs in February, after we got all moved in here in Maryland, to inquire about the gallery, arts council in general, and opportunities to get involved. Found that they had an opening for Marketing Coordinator, which was a good fit using experience I gained with running Vantage Point Gallery. After starting that position in March, the experience helped me finally decide on a master's degree path that I had been considering for a while. So, I started an online program through Univ. of Missouri for a master's in public affairs with non-profit management focus---thinking someday leading a non-profit arts organization would be a good combo of my type A, organized personality and interest in promoting local artists. Fast forward and now I'm leading a non-profit arts organization and immediately putting into practice what I'm learning.
This is busy! But meaningful and interesting...and here I am looking at the mere 16 hours a day to do all the things I want to do.

A comment on one of my blog posts from someone I greatly admire: "Don’t feel guilty that you have this choice - instead, work to bring underprivileged artists the same choice."
I think about this statement a lot. I absolutely have a privilege of choice and loads more time than anyone who is a parent. (Bless you all who dedicate your time to parenting---I'm always in awe.) This swirling mix in my head of realizations of privilege, interests, choice, and search for meaningful pursuits -- it's a feeling of always in flux. And that is ok. Nothing is black and white in life, so why should I expect my inner feelings to be this way?
The feeling of purpose I lost when I left healthcare was found in promoting local artists at Vantage Point and now an opportunity to promote the arts as a whole with a role as executive director. My personal art will be produced more slowly, yes, but I will savor my painting time in the slow process of creating an artwork.
And for now, at least, I feel that what I'm doing is meaningful, though I need more work in the balancing part of my schedule. Work--Life balance. Aren't we all struggling with that in our society? Feel free to share your tips for creating a balance.
Good for you Katie! Living life with purpose and sharing your gifts!